Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Amigos Corralejo Welcome you to our Blog

Welcome to our Blog. The aim of this blog is to show potential customers what they can expect before they arrive in Fuerteventura. Hopefully we can encourage web surfers to post on what they think before they arrive and more importantly post on what a wonderful(!) time they have had. We hope that if you have found this website you will try and find us when you arrive in Corralejo, Fuerteventura. We will aim to keep you informed on the activities that will be happening in Amigos you can rest assured that each Sunday we will have the traditional English Roast followed by the Live Football match of the day. Champions League Football will be shown as well as other live Sport on relevant days. If you are in the locality please look out for our boards to see what is happening that week you arrive.

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